Based: Östergötland/skåne






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as producer

Social Art Project (2023)

Social Art Project

Social Art Project 2023 was an international exchange in co-​creative muralism and development of social methods. The ​project was based in Rosengård, Sweden and La Calera, ​Chile.

Read more:

My role: project manager and initiator (SWE)



Co-creative artwork: 500 creating participants, 6 meters high, 80 ​meters wide

Location: Trelleborg, 2021

Read more: Trelleborgs kommun - Jätteväggen

My role: Project manager. Design of concept, process and ​workshops with Annika Börjesson. Painting together with ​Streetcorner collective.

Streetcorner, Trelleborgs kommun, Trelleborgs Muséer, KRETS ​and more.



In the summer of 2022, this rural project took place in Skåne, Sweden. The project was funded by the Swedish Arts ​Council, individual municipalities, and local sponsors in each location. At each site, an initial week of research was ​conducted, involving interviews and immersive community engagement to explore the areas and involve the local ​population. Afterwards, murals were painted collaboratively by invited artists and the local community. The aim was to ​foster pride, tell local stories, and create a sense of belonging through shared artistic creation.

My role: project manager, initiator, research and artistic lead

Photo/video: John Erenbo

Artistic advice board: Annika Börjesson

Co-project management: Anna Pauli

Workshops: Amanda Sima



Painted at the station in the center of Svalöv, the project ​connected the six villages of the municipality.

Artists: Malin Sparrvardt, Greta Abeni and Rikard Johansson

Streetcorner, KRETS, Svalövs Kommun, Kulturrådet



Painted at Skurup Station, the artwork bridges the rural area with ​the growing town of Skurup.

Artists: Robbin Carlsson and Rikard Johansson, with the help of ​many friends, including Kateryna Komendant and Wilhelm Ewe.

Streetcorner, KRETS, Skurups Kommun, Club UFO, Ett Skurup för ​alla, Kulturrådet



Painted on Tjäderstigen, which has housed generations of people ​in the Perstorp municipality, the two murals weave together the ​fascinating history of the area.

Artists: Diego Echeverria and Rikard Johansson

Streetcorner, Procultura, Perstorps Kommun, Kulturrådet, ​Perstorps Bostäder, Kupolen

as painter



Painted children in collaboration with flowers by ​Korallpionen for Kulturhotellet and ​Helsingborgshem.


Flying Farmer - Part of Veteväggen

Painted the Flying Farmer as part of Veteväggen ​for Landsbygdsprojektet in Svalöv.


Peacock - Part of Jätteväggen

Peacock painted as part of the Jätteväggen ​project, with participating neighbors. Painted her ​male lover at Stadsparken in Trelleborg a few ​years earlier.


Ice Bear - 3D corner painting

Ice Bear – painted for the exhibition honoring Jan ​Troell at Trelleborgs Museum. This piece was ​created as part of the exhibition segment focusing ​on the film Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd. Produced by ​Annika Börjesson.


Part of Korvmojjsmysteriet

Painted from sketches by Greta Abeni, based on ​concept sketches developed in collaboration with ​Streetcorner crew and 1,500 schoolchildren from ​Tranemo. The project culminated in a children's ​book, scheduled for release in autumn 2024.


Part of Regnbågstunneln

Part of a 130-meter tunnel, with paintings on both ​the walls and ceiling, created in collaboration with ​students from nearby schools. Painted as part of ​the Streetcorner crew, using the "Trust the ​Process" method. Landvetter.


Originally from Östergötland, Rikard is a cultural ​producer, mural artist, and social worker who ​focuses on using art as a tool for social projects. ​Between 2018 and 2024, he was part of ​Streetcorner, where he worked as a project ​manager, mural artist, and vice-chairman. He has ​initiated and led various projects in Sweden and ​abroad, always striving to find new ways to foster ​co-creative art and community development. ​Together with his teams, Rikard has contributed to ​developing methods such as community-by-​creativity and trust-the-process. His artistic work ​spans various styles, with a particular focus on ​lyrical realism.

My approach

I believe in the strength of community and the ​impact we can have when we work together to ​shape our surroundings. With a mindset that ​values collaboration and mutual learning, I aim to ​approach each project with openness, curiosity, ​and respect. My goal is always to create ​meaningful work that brings people together and ​adds value to the spaces we share. I want to ​create the projects of the future, always striving to ​make each project the best one yet.

Board positions


BOARD MEMBER 2022-2024

Rävan is a cultural association dedicated to ​promoting independent art and its power to ​inspire change. With a diverse team from ​creative industries, Rävan support co-creative ​projects and preserve the cultural value of art ​through research and collaboration.


VICE CHAIR 2018-2024

Streetcorner was an art collective creating ​socially-driven art projects both in Sweden and ​internationally. With years of experience in co-​creative processes, Streetcorner engaged active ​participation throughout the entire project ​journey.

Rosengårds konstförening

BOARD MEMBER 2023-2024

Rosengårds Konstförening is a community-​based art association founded by neighbors in ​Rosengård. Established in 2023 through a ​social art project, the group organizes ​workshops and painting projects with local ​residents.

Nätverket - för offentlig konst

BOARD MEMBER 2023-2024

Nätverket is a Discord forum with members ​across Sweden. Initiated through a Cultural ​Council project in 2021. The group promotes ​debate on public art, the right to self-​expression, DIY culture, and "each one teach ​one" to inspire participation in public spaces.
